Radiant light vs limited light

Radiant light is light whose essence is not bound within a finite container. When we begin to embody our true divine nature, we can begin to perceive two distinct qualities of light. In the one case, we can perceive light as it is channeled from one location to another. The structure of this channel is some kind of relative (and thus limited) container whose existence serves as a conduit for manifest energy which can appear to radiate light as it passes through this channel. On the other hand, sources of radiant light exist much as a star does when seen through the void of empty space.

Radiant light sources do exist in relationship to others (anything capable of relating), but their relationship is one of resonance, not bound dependency. Radiant light must first pass through an empty void before it is in relationship with anything else. Much like an energy wave (sound, light, any other) exists in a pure state until interacting with some "object", so too does radiant light only become perceptible upon interacting with another independent object.

Limited light is disconnected from its original source - not in touch with the zero-point matrix field of unity and oneness. It is only possible for limited light to exist within a field of constructed illusion, whereby the illusory constructs trick the observer into believing that emanations of light are somehow being contained. When we get in touch with our personal, infinite connection to the Divine; when we source our self from the zero-point matrix, everything that we emit as sovereign entities is emitted without attachment to the outcome. We radiate the infinity of existence, without constriction, without attachment, without being limited by any form which interacts with the light we emit.

Embodying our radiant self means embodying our center in direct communion with our highest possible source. We emit our unique contribution to existence in waves that propagate infinitely until, through interaction with other emanations, this essence takes form. We do not change - being ever, infinitely connected to eternity - but manifestation in relation to us through radiant light, does change.

My prayer is that all who read these words may return to their infinite self, radiate their unique presence from that point and, without attachment, respectfully engage with creation in interaction with ever-created manifestation.

Knowing and experiencing the difference between radiant and limited light is essential to the process of growing up and waking up.
